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Showing posts from February, 2019

Version 1.17.0 released

Another version released with the latest previews that FFG has given us (some guesstimates on my side included...) BTW, you'll probably have noticed that now the app is much slimer. This is because only images in English are included with the downloaded app. If you want to have card images in other languages (when available) you'll have to go to the "Configuration" screen and download the image pack you are interested in. Enjoy!

The Configuration screen

Let's take a closer look at the options avilable in the Configuration screen (accessed from the main screen with the [gear] button). First one is the language selection , which is pretty abvious. Just remember to restart the app after modifying this value so all the pages are rewritten with the new language. Remember to download the image pack in case you want to have card images in that language too. Next you have a button to edit your Labels . Now some options on options to visualize and print your squads, available upgrades... Take a closer look at the Collection Control option. A change in this option will modify visualization when creating an squad. Normally, all pilots and upgrades are shown in black or white if they are available, or in blue if they are still unreleased. It you activate this option some of the pilots and/or upgrades will be shown in red . This color means that you don't have enough miniatures or cards in your collection to deploy this squad ...

Generate a QR code with the squad data

You can generate a QR code with your squad from 2 places: - from the Squad Data screen (were you write the squad's name...) - from the Saved Squad list In both screens you will find the QR code generation button. Press it you will get a QR code that you can save as an image file (.png), share with other app (Twitter, Facebook...) or directly show to other device to be scanned.

Managing your collection

Once in the Collection screen you can see all the published and announced expansions. With the + and - buttons of each expansion you can manage the number of expansions you own. To add ships from 1st Edition into the 2nd Ed. app, you have to go into the First Edition tab, and in there add the ships you own. Now, maybe you exchanged an upgrade card, or lost a pilot card....In this case you can manage individual items. In order to do this you have to enter the expansion where the item comes, go through the items list and use the + and - buttons to add/remove items. The number of items of the expansion will not be modified, but it will be marked in red. You can check all the individually modified items in the Modified Items button from the main Collection screen. The number associated with each element is the number of elements you have, in addition to the ones that come with the expansions. For example: a +2 associated to "Push the Limit" means that you have ...

Finding in which expansion comes that card you need

The Collection screen not only shows the items you own. You can use it to check what comes in each expansion. But if you want to know which expansion brings that card that you need, you better go to the Library and search for the card you are looking for. Each card comes with the list of expansions it comes in. You can even tap on the expansion name to go to its own screen and check what else comes with that expansion!

Import squads from other squad builders

Now it is even easier to import squads from other squad-building apps or your mates thanks to the new QR scanner. For example, if you want to import a squad from Voidstate's Squadron Builder: 1. Load your squad. 2. Press Share // Another app. 3. Choose QR Code in View. 4. Scan it from the app by pressing on the top left button of the main screen. 5. Save it in your device and take it to your next tournament. The exchange protocol among apps is still under deverlopment so some problems will happen. Report if it does not work so we can solve them!

Ship dials

You can have all your oppont's ship dials just a click away (in case you want to check how many green maneuvers that ship has the next turn!). Simply go to Library // Dials. Tap on the faction symbol to get a list of the ships of that faction. Tap on each ship name to add that ship's dial to the screen. When finished, close the window. You can add dials of ships from different factions.  To clear the screen of dials and start over, tap on the big red X icon.

Using X-Wing Squads Designer on your Windows PC

First of all, remember that there is an online version of the app, available at But you may want to run the Android version on a Windows PC (for example, if you want to have the app offline). Well, this is something quite easy to do. First you need a program that runs on windows and emulates an Android device. I have tested BlueStacks ( ) and it works really well, but there are other programs too. - Go to its site and download the executable. - Install BlueStacks on your PC. - Now, you will be able to open any .apk file with BluStacks. This will install the Android application on your virtual Android device. - You can start it. It will be very similar to running an Android device for the first time. Now, download the X-Wing Squads Designer apk (from the link in the Featured Post of this blog, for example) and install it on the BlueStacks "device" (double click on the file you just downloaded should do it). ...

How to install an app from an apk file

If you don't know what's an apk file of are having difficulties installing this app  (after downloading the apk file), you may want to check these links: Depending on you Android version the steps may be different, but it is quite easy. If you don't find the screen to allow install of apps from unknown sources, try goind to Settings and use the search box to lokk for "unknown sources".